wenn Du die in Reihe ansteuern willst, schau das du die Matrix Dimension auf 4 px x 300 px einstellst. Device auswählen. Patchen. Dann sollte es gehen ..

Jinx! - LED Matrix Control ... und die nächste Matrix Software ...
Danke für das Feedback
Wahrscheinlich habe ich was verstellt aber wie kann ich das rückgängig machen um die vollen 5,00m Strips wieder zum leuchten zu bringen den Pix Controller von Ulrich Radig habe ich schon in Auslieferungszustand versetzt und ihn wieder eine neue IP gegeben (192.168.178.xxx) ich versuche nun seit 14 Tage es wieder hin zu bekommen ohne Erfolg es muß doch eine Möglichkeit geben um die Led wieder zum leuchten zu bringen.
Lösch mal bei Jinx die Output-Devices und den Patch; und dann konfiguriere alles nochmal neu - so wie beim ersten Mal.
Morgen zusammen
Kann mir keiner weiter helfen bin seit drei Wochen am probieren um die 5,00m wieder zum laufen zu bringen, muß ich mir einen neuen Pixel Controller kaufen oder ein anderes Programm besorgen?
Wär kann mir weiter helfen?
ich hätte gerne gewusst was oder wo muss man was einstellen damit beim Starten von jinx gleich eine Scene geladen/gestartet und abgespielt wird? Danke.
Danke, gefunden.
Sorry for English.
Does anyone know, why Sven does not answer his email sven@karschewski.de even if he on the page http://www.live-leds.de/ writes:
If you need any Information, found bugs or want to share some ideas and thoughts with me, feel free to contact me directly via email or comment the corresponding news post.?
Jinx! is fantastic and it would be great pity if it was dead.
Right now I have problem with the "text" command in Jinx! script.
1. there is a terrible mistake in the PDF jinx-usermanual-2.4 page 55, which leads to suspicion , that the text command does not work at all.
2. the command does not make it possible to display the " [double quote] character
3. the command does not make it possible to display the , [comma] character ("Hello, world" is impossible)
4. the command does not display the UTF-8 characters correctly (even if the "scrolling text" effect shows them correctly). (Ü impossible)
I believe this is a minor programming issue (just parsing the command line in right way).
If anyone would have any information, please, give me a hint.
As far as I know (from following this thread) Seddi (Sven) is no longer active in this forum. There also seems to be no further development of his software Jinx!.
Though this end of development is regrettable, he created a great free software used and appreciated by light enthusiasts all over the world. I've been using his software for a longer time and didn't face any bugs or problems.
I think it should be possible to contact him (a web search could be helpful...) - but I really doubt there is hope for any further versions.
Vielen Dank für das Hinzufügen.
Ich bin in dieses Forum gekommen, weil ich nach Informationen über Glediator-Software gesucht habe.
Dies endete bei Jinx.
Ich mache gerade eine DJ-Kabine mit 34 Reihen mit 15 LEDs.
Die von mir verwendeten LEDs sind SJ-1515-2801 (WS2801)
Jetzt würde ich gerne wissen, mit welchem Controller ich es am besten zusammen mit Jinx verwenden kann
Vielen Dank im Voraus
Gr P
Hat jemand schon mal Probleme mit Jinx und Win10 im Artnet gehabt.
Bei einer Remote-Ansteuerung zickt der Master von Jinx unter win 10.
er flackert eine Zeit lang bis er sich beruhigt.
Kennt das jemand?
Liest Seddi noch mit?
bin neu im Forum und teste Jinx schon einige Zeit (WS2812b 60 x 90, 3 x DIAMEX LED-Player "M", Fernsteuerung über Artnet mit Android "AuroraDMX").
Unter Win7 hat auch alles bis auf Kleinigkeiten (Programmabsturz beim Konfigurieren der Countdownfunktion) sehr gut funktioniert.
Jetzt haben ich meinen Jinx Rechner auf Win10 umgestellt und seit diesem Zeitpunkt macht die Remote-Ansteuerung das wie von LED_Steve beschriebene "Geflacker" (schneller Wechsel zwischen alten und neuen Einstellwerten) Dieses dauert recht lange (10..30 Sekunden).
Hat jemand schon die gleichen Erfahrungen gemacht oder evtl. eine Lösung für dieses Problem?
Gruß Kai
Hi there,
I'm new to the forum and have been testing Jinx for some time (WS2812b 60 x 90, 3 x DIAMEX LED-Player "M", remote control via Artnet with Android "AuroraDMX").
Under Win7 everything worked fine except for minor details (program crash when configuring the countdown function).
Now I have changed my Jinx computer to Win10 and since then the remote control does the "flickering" as described by LED_Steve (quick change between old and new setting values). This takes a long time (10..30 seconds).
Has anyone had the same experience or maybe a solution to this problem?
Greetings Kai
Hello! I apologize for posting in English.. I don't know German.
I use Jinx! to run my WS2811 "milky ball" curtain for years now, and decided finally this week to get a remote working .. and had the same flickering problem with the remote control in Windows 10 ....
But I got it working in Windows 10 using Windows 7 compatibility mode as follows:
Right click "Jinx!" in Windows 10 "Start" menu, and select "Properties". In the Properties window, look for "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" .. with a checkbox. Check this box, and in the dropdown, select "Window 7".
No more flickering of the remote value.
I think (complete guess on my part) is that.. There is some code in the event loop which compares the previously received control packet with the currently received control packet. If there is a difference, it generates windows events to simulate the requested actions, then copies the current packet as the previous one for later comparison.
Windows 10 probably changes the event loop logic, possibly with multithreading which causes a race condition in the moment the packet is copied.
Hopefully the author will eventually be able to go back to work on the software (hoping it was something GOOD in his life like children or a great new job that got in the way, and not something bad that interfered), but meanwhile this works.
In case you are interested, what I'm doing is using an Android OSC app (Right now "Osc Control" but it has some problems so I might like to find a better one), and I've written a little OSC server in Python (using python-osc) that forwards the control events to Jinx! as TPM2.net packets. So now me and my wife can easily turn the LEDs on / off, control brightness, and select patterns from our smart-phones.
And.. I haven't done this part yet.. but there's a good python library I've used in the past for installing/controlling python code as a Windows Service so that it'll start up and shut down with Windows.
I just started on this project yesterday but it's working.. and I have some cleaning up to do, but when it's ready I'll put it up on github for sharing if you're interested.
Hi light-o-matic, thanks for your support. Now ist works as before.
I use the Android App "AURORA DMX" to control JINX remotly via WIFI. This allows you to send saved cue set's to JINX via art-net.
I use the Android app "AURORA DMX" to control JINX remotly via WIFI. This allows you to send saved cue set's to JINX via art-net.
Thank you, I tried it and it's very good! Much simpler than my solution. I realized that to get a button for each scene I can record a cue for each scene selection .. but then it also resets the brightness, which is not what I want. Using Osc Control I have 24 buttons to select the scene, and a slider to independently control master and strobe, and the Osc-TPM2 gateway is approx 50 lines of python code.
What I'd really like is to have the remote load and display the name of each scene, but to do that I would have to parse the Jinx! data file .. and without having the source code that would be a lot of effort. I'd also like if my remote control could be bidirectional: Display the changes on all remotes if any remote changes. The OSC protocol supports this but none of the clients that I have found support it .. so I'd have to write my own. Again, a lot of work.
I had the idea to write just the engine code similar to Jinx, but with no user interface .. since that's the most work. Just an OSC, MIDI and / or REST API for all controls, then this could run on a raspberry pi or any small computer and be controlled various ways, eg. Via AJAX from a web UI, or whatever you want ... I just don't know if I have the time for all that right now ...
Guten Tag. Bitte fügen Sie dem JINX die Hintergrundbeleuchtung des äußeren Rahmens der Matrix (statisch, bewegend, flackernd) hinzu. Danke.
Moin moin.
Ich habe ein Problem (Bug?), bei dem wenn ich eine scene in der liste anwähle, sie immer die linke seite, also die ersten 2 channel übernimmt. die buttons left/right sind aus irgendeinem grund nicht anwählbar (beim showmode gibts die ja auch, da funktionieren sie auch).
der autobutton geht, was heisst das ich hin und her switchen kann, kann aber niemals auf der rechten seite bleiben.
kennt jemand das problem?
danke fürs feedback!