Beiträge von gpoduska

    WOW! I got it working! Thanks Pepe. Here is what I did to get the code working on my Arduino Mega 2560 with Glediator:

    1) The interrupt vector in the code is for an Arduino Uno (ISR (USART_RX_vect). Changed to ISR (USART0_RX_vect) for the Mega 2560
    2) Change the char variable 'go' to a boolean. Why this worked, not sure.
    3) Removed the auto-reset on the Mega board by removing the trace on the board. If I need to load new code, I simply bridge the pads with a wire.

    Now.. for the fun !!

    Thanks Again !

    My appologies, i thought you replying to the other person's issue...

    Yes, I am using:

    # Define DATA_PORT PORTC
    # define DATA_DDR DDRC
    # define DATA_PIN 6
    # define NUMBER_OF_PIXELS 144

    My problem is that nothing is being sent to the the pin 31 (on Mega port c pin 6). To troubleshoot, I have 1 led on pin 31 to see any data at all.. I am not worried about the matrix yet. I should see the led blink when data is sent to pin 31. I see nothing. I tried the matrix saw nothing, so i installed a single LED to troubleshoot. On the Mega, it uses the 16U2 chip and not the 8U2. Could this be the problem?

    I am using a Sainsmart Mega 2560 R3 clone. I haven't had any issues yet with compatibility. My problem is simple. I open my serial connection at 1000000 baud. The RX light flashes on my board. Now, in Glediator, I select start playlist but nothing is output of my port. I have a single LED connected to that port just for troubleshooting to see if anything is sent to it. It does not flash at all. I have tried many ports from PortA thru PortD Am I using Glediator correctly as I am new? I open the serial and add a scene to the playlist and hit play... Is this correct?

    To add, When I get this working, I will be driving a matrix of ws2811 strips at 12v. These are 12v as printed on the strip itself.

    sorry, I left out that detail. I will be using ws2811 strips at 12v. I have data connected to the output port, an external 12v power and also connected to ground on the board. the strips work fine with all the fastLED implementations. I did not see any output with this sketch, so I put a single LED with resistor on the output port and ground just to see if any data was going to that port. Is that a bad test?

    Still trying to get this working on my Sainsmart Mega 2560.

    Let me make sure Im using Glediator correctly. In output, i select my com port (Com4) and baudrate 1000000. I select serial open and then apply/done. The Rx light is blinking on my board. In Glediator, i have a scene running. I have added to the playlist with defaults. I select Play Playlist. No output. I am on port 28 which is PA6. PORTA, DDRA, PIN 6. I have tried disabling the auto-reset with a resistor between 5v and reset pins so i dont have to cut anything.

    Am I using Glediator and the code correctly? Like I said, I have used Minotor with their LEDUINO code and it works fine! I would really like to use Glediator though as there is much more I can do with it..

    Thanks for your help !!


    I have an arduino mega 2560 that I would like to use with the new WS2811 sketch. In Glediator, I have set the protocol to glediator_protocol and see com4 for my arduino. I have set baud to 1000000. I click open port and see RX flashing on my board. My problem is what to do next. i have a scene in the playlist and click on play. But I see nothing. I have even removed all of my LED strips and simply put an LED on the port to see if any data is going out.. nothing. I am on digital port 31 which is port C 6 PC6 and have set up correctly in the sketch.

    # Define DATA_PORT PORTC
    # define DATA_DDR DDRC
    # define DATA_PIN 6
    # define NUMBER_OF_PIXELS 144

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Is there a FastSPI version of the ws2811 sketch?