I use the Android app "AURORA DMX" to control JINX remotly via WIFI. This allows you to send saved cue set's to JINX via art-net.
Thank you, I tried it and it's very good! Much simpler than my solution. I realized that to get a button for each scene I can record a cue for each scene selection .. but then it also resets the brightness, which is not what I want. Using Osc Control I have 24 buttons to select the scene, and a slider to independently control master and strobe, and the Osc-TPM2 gateway is approx 50 lines of python code.
What I'd really like is to have the remote load and display the name of each scene, but to do that I would have to parse the Jinx! data file .. and without having the source code that would be a lot of effort. I'd also like if my remote control could be bidirectional: Display the changes on all remotes if any remote changes. The OSC protocol supports this but none of the clients that I have found support it .. so I'd have to write my own. Again, a lot of work.
I had the idea to write just the engine code similar to Jinx, but with no user interface .. since that's the most work. Just an OSC, MIDI and / or REST API for all controls, then this could run on a raspberry pi or any small computer and be controlled various ways, eg. Via AJAX from a web UI, or whatever you want ... I just don't know if I have the time for all that right now ...