Over a year ago I wrote in this thread, that would be good to include support for 3D-matrix in Glediator. And now Madriks preparing to become a three-dimensional! And my dream would come true, but the price madriks makes me very sad ...
I connected my DIY Universelle RGB LED Matrix Platine to my RGB-cube. Yes, the simple effects like Fade and scroll, work, but this is not enough to me ... I tried to capture Mardiks effects from screen and convert them to GIF, but it looks poorly ...
So again, back to the issue of three-dimensionality:
How difficult is it to make a 3D-Glediator?
Why not do it? 3D-matrix - it's very beautiful!
In fact, we need only a new set of 3D-effects, mapped on to the 2D-matrix, for example, 8x64 for a 8x8x8 cube
Or am I so alone in this?