Beiträge von LuisFerreira

    Hi, for the past days i have been trying to setup a project to control a LED matrix with an Arduino Yun and the Glediator or Jinx LED Matrix Control software. Since i am new to this kind of projects i have a few questions i hope you can help me with.I have successfully made some light animations using an Arduino Uno, both a WS2801 LED strand and NeoPixel ring and the Control Software. But the final objective is to control a Dotstar LED matrix with an Arduino Yun.

    So here are my questions:

    - Since i am waiting for my Dotstar strand to arrive, i have been testing with the WS2801 LEDs, which are also controlled with separate data and clock wires. Since the Dotstar share the same interface, separate clock and data, will the code be compatible, or is the color assignment process different?

    - I started making tests using the Arduino Uno, but now i want to made compatible code for the Arduino Yun (for later controlling the animations through WiFi and playback animations stored on the SD card). So i started by taking the code made available by SolderLab, either the Arduino Firmware for Glediator-WS2801-Communication V2.0 or WS2812-Glediator-Interface, and it worked fine with both Control softwares. When i try to upload the same code to the Yun i get compilation errors for the UART configuration since reserved variables like UCSR0A and RXCIE0 (among others) don't exist in the Yun architecture. On some forum i've seen someone saying that the corresponding variables for the Yun are instead UCSR1A, RXCIE1, etc. So i blindly changed the names of the variables that were generating compilation errors till it compiled, but as you might expect it didn't work, instead it either does nothing when i run Glediator/Jinx, or it actually crashes the program. I think the problem might be on the UART setup, the interrupt procedure or on the baud rate. I couldn't find information on how to properly configure the UART on the Yun, so can someone give me some tips on how to convert this code made for the Uno and make it compatible with the Yun?

    Sorry for the long story but i think it's important to explain were i am at now, and thank you for the help :)